
We need your help! again

To Make a Contribution directly to the Decker Family
Washington Mutual Harvard Market
1429 Broadway FCWA0656
Seattle, WA 98122
OR you can use this PAYPAL LINK to donate. This link will navigate you to Carol and Scott's Contribution Account where you can indicate the amount you wish to contribute. All online! The PayPAL link may say "Auction item" which you may then type in "cash donation" in the space provided for item name.
Didn't win the item you were bidding on? Consider donating that proposed amount to Carol and Scott anyways by clicking on the PayPAL link on the right side of this Auction site or on any "BUY NOW" button listed on the Auction site. It is all about the effort not the reward, right? :)
For Carol...

I don’t recall the exact instance this clarity of understanding occurred. I do, however, remember vividly the petite, glasses wearing elementary student. A permed brunette, lover of all things purple and unicorns-- and even better yet, purple unicorns, who at the age of 8 already exuded a fashion forward confidence and magnanimous personality. People have always been drawn to Carol and I was no exception.
I am able to mentally scan through the archives of my mind, sifting through the utilitarian filing cabinets, plastic-covered bins and crowded sock drawers overflowing with the moments she and I have spent with each other, the memories we created and I am grateful.
Grateful for so much laughter, buoyed up by the stolen moments wherein we opened our souls to each other under heart-covered comforters in our parent’s living rooms. Morose over the shenanigans we survived and overwhelmed by the purely, unadulterated love that I feel for her.
Photographs from over the many years of our friendship capture many of our moments in still. Looking through these photographs I am unsurprisingly struck by the continuing recurrence of Carol and I posing next to each other, most often holding onto each other, regardless of who else might be in the photograph. This is not surprising because it is how I always wanted to be and to find that this sentiment had been caught in print for me was genuinely pleasing. These captured images still hold some of my happiest memories to date.
You see, I have always been in awe of Carol, admired her in so many ways, looked up to her and desired to emulate her. The compassion and love she exudes, the fun, fly by the seat of your pants attitude she proudly dons. The tutelary friend she has always been, the devoted mother, the ardent wife. This is the type of person I would like to be. This is the person who's friendship I sincerely treasure.
As I have had the opportunity to sit at Carol’s hospital bed, resting my hand on her shoulder, soundlessly praying for her comfort, her character of strength and solicitude has never waned.
We have cried together, we have chatted like the high school girls we once were and we have sat in silence, comforted merely by the others' presence.
Carol has been asked to face challenges that would have fell Goliath sans pebble and she continues to do so with grace and determination.
We are now both in our 30’s, mothers of small children, busy with life and there have been times where the circle of perpetual schedules has come between our contact with each other and that is something I deeply regret.
Regardless of the frequency or lack there of or the distance in miles between us, I am eternally grateful and abundantly thankful that our lives paths crossed so many years ago. To me Carol has always been and will always be one of my dearest friends, someone who holds a very special place in my heart.
In the eye of this tragedy I have never been more aware than as I am now that I am not alone in my sentiments. There are so many who care deeply for Carol, for her family, for her well-being. What a wonderful testament to the outstanding person she is to witness the outpouring of love and support that has come from so many in these past few months.
I say “Thank you” to each of you because you have reaffirmed my belief in the compassion of strangers and loved ones alike.
“Thank you” because, selfishly, I needed to do something in this situation and this Auction became that and
“Thank you” because I know Carol would want nothing more than to say it to each of you herself.
~ Erica
In the News
To VIEW this news story click on this LINK
Beautiful words of encouragement and love
~"Want to feel even more internet hugs and kisses? Help out another family in need — imagine going into an emergency c-section, developing an infection which requires having both legs and one arm amputated. Then. Losing your sight. That's what's happening to Carol Decker right this minute." Gabrielle, Design Mom
~"swEEt peAs is auctioning this dress and underskirt for Carol and Scott. They have experienced a devastation this summer and we want to help. So, for every Tye Back dress we sell, swEEt peAs will donate 50% of the sale to help out this young couple. Go to this blog site to find out morewww.auctionforcarol.blogspot.com" Rozzi's Sweet Peas Etsy shop
~ "Hi,sorry it took me a while to answer you, but I have a 2 weeks old newborn baby and my oldest boy, 4 years old, is just starting to school, so it's a bit mad at home. I check the blog and I was in tears for Carol's tragedy..I am very sorry for what happened to her, but it seems she is a very strong woman, and it seems there is a lot of angels flying around her and taking care her the whole young family. ALL THE BEST and I am sure Carol is very glad and proud in having such a wonderful friend as you are.Best of luck, Cristina"
~"Hi! I checked out the blog. Could one of the (donated items) be Sleeping Beauty? For some reason, even though I don't know Carol, it seems like her. I will will keep positive thoughts for Carol. (That's my daughter's name) and I will keep you, her and her family in my prayers." Delores
~ "I would love to help. Carol's story is so heartbreaking! I was so fortunate with my first 3 deliveries, but had an awful pre-eclampsia scare with my fourth. I was very lucky. I cannot even imagine being in Carol's place. The baby is simply beautiful." Christi
~"We are happy to donate and hope it helps in your fund raising efforts for Carol (and her family). They are surely amazing, strong people and I will remember them in my prayers!" Robyn and Kevin
~ "I just read the blog and I don't understand what happened! She was just going in to have the baby and ended up with a c-section and all these terrible things happened? I cannot believe this. Of course I would love to donate something for this cause. Just let me know what you'd like me to do next to get this going. I will also forward this to some of my friend's who also sell on etsy if you don't mind. Thank you and have a good day:)! Portia♥
~"I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I am sending wishes for a swift healing. Warmly Renee"
~"Hi! I just can't believe this happened. I feel for her husband, kids, and friends. This is the least I can do..." Susan
~"I am just so shocked about Carol's situation, and want to do SOMETHING to help. So, thanks for letting me donate something to the auction." Kim
~ "Mom in Need" My cousin is working on a silent auction for her friend, Carol Decker. Her story moved me to tears. And my thoughts and prayers go out to her family. The auction will start tonight, and there are some beautiful items from Etsy available. So please bid or donate directly if you can." Debbie of Mamanista.com
~ "I feel so bad for your fiend! That is horrible to have to go through, I hope all the money that needs to be raised gets raised. Safiya is such a cutie!" Allison
~"I just looked at your silent auction site. Please choose 3 pairs (instead of just one) to be auctioned off. Again... I hope they can raise money for Carol and her family. I am so sorry for their hardship. Thanks!!!" Jessica
~"I wish you much success with your auction!"Debra
~"Hello-I am so very sorry for your friend's tragedy! I too am a mother- and I can not imagine having to deal with such an awful health situation. I hope for the best for Carol and her family. It would be my pleasure to donate something. just give me the appropriate address information and the date that you need something by, and I will let you know when something is on the way. I hope the auction is a wonderful success for Carol. Thank you-Jessica"
~"What a tragic story! I wish her and her family all the best!" Rosalynn
~"Hi. I am so sorry to hear of your friends tragedy. I don't know all the details as I have only briefly read about it from the link you sent. If I'm correct she has endured this tragedy due to her emergency c-section/high blood pressure?? I had three c-sections and they were all terrifying to go through (mine were normal have you). I can not imagine what your dear friend has had to face. We would certainly be willing to donate an item to you to auction off." Robyn
~"I really think it's a great thing you're doing for your friend. I read the links you sent me and it must be devestating for Carol and her family. I wish them all the best!" Hayley
~"Another needs us! With the story NieNie everywhere in the blog world and now in the New York Times I found another who needs are help! I just read about Carol Decker on someone's blog. Carol gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on June 10th via an emergency C-section. After the surgery she developed life-threatening infection. The medicine given to her was supposed to help fight the infection but it, instead, blocked the blood flow to her eyes, legs and left arm. Carol has had to undergo amputation of both legs below the knee, her left arm arm is amputated and she's blind. There's an ongoing silent auction going on to help with medical costs. I'm bidding on a few things!" Pink Trees Blog
~September 07, 2008 ~"I would be honored to have one of my jewelry pieces in your auction."Debra
~"I would be happy to support your friend and her journey towards recovery!" Sharon
~"Oh, I can't imagine the pain everyone involved is going through. I'm very interested in helping." Cindy
~"Through the magic of the Internet, I've become involved with an auction to benefit an amazing woman named Carol. Carol's is a courageous woman with a story that will touch your heart. The flyer above will provide you a bit of her story..."~posted on artistalleync.blogspot.com by Jean
~"My heart is aching for this family." Valerie
~"Dear Carol and Scott,This is Becky, Erica's little sister. Scott, I don't remember when I first met Carol--I was 10 maybe 8? I can't picture her without a smile. Always ready to laugh, encourage and uplift. Some people are born 'cool' with an calm soul that others are drawn to. I grew up in awe of Carol always grateful for her kindness, friendship and good to the core spirit. I love her tons still today. I know those same gifts she's always shared with others will sustain all of you, including herself. As soon as we heard we started praying for you all. Thank you for the updates, you're courage, strength and example are awe-inspiring. Please send her my love and prayers of healing. Best to all of you, Becky"
~ "If you feel inclined, do head on over to their blog and the silent auction site. It is just difficult to imagine the swing of emotions from a high on receiving a newborn to almost losing the mum." Ruth of sparklethots.com
~This week I am participating in the silent auction for carol decker. There are lots of lovely items there - many from other etsy artists. It is always nice to have a chance to make a difference in the lives of others. Thanks Erica for the opportunity.If you are interested go to auctionforcarol.blogspot.com ....I know they would appreciate your help. Daisy D Designs Shop Announcement.
~ "Carol Vance (now Decker) is one of my older sister Erica's best friends since childhood. I love Carol. She's full of goodness, kindness, fun and seriously one of the coolest women I've ever known. In June Carol delivered her second baby girl via c-section and soon afterward her temperature spiked with a terrible infection. She was placed on life support and medication which resulted in little to no blood flow to her extremities which has meant she had her two legs amputated below her knees, her left arm, right ring finger and is now blind. She's had skin grafts on nearly all of her body apart from her torso. I keep up with her situation via her husband's blog and my sister has started a silent auction here to help raise funds for her continued medical costs and physical therapy. Tragic situation for this incredible woman." Rebekah
~ "As always thanks for your prayers and goodness. . .. . . speaking of which, there is another mother in need right now, Carol Decker. My heart is so heavy after reading her story. You can read about her situation here. Or watch a newscast here. I wish for them the same tremendous support that we've felt this past month."C Jane
~"I've been wanting to post about a friend of mine that needs any help she can get. I think most of you who read my blog are mothers so this story will probably touch you as much as it has me. Carol and I lived down the street from each other growing up. For some reason I always thought she was so cool and we seemed to get along good. As we both grew up we lost contact until one of our mutual friends told me about her tragic story a few months back. Carol contracted a very serious infection while pregnant with her second daughter. She has since lost both legs from the knee down, her left hand, and her sight." Holli
~"It is amazing and heartwarming to me to see the generosity of so many people who reach out and help when someone is in need. As a friend of Carols I can tell you that many times in her life Carol has been one to reach out and offer help when it is needed. I know this because I have been a recipient of such kindness and compassion from her. That is just the kind of person she is. So please go on over and check this auction out and let others know about it also. I know her family is so grateful for the generosity that has been shown to them." Kim
~ "Just lovingly wrapped each of the auction items in preparation for shipping. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this support of Carol and her family's well being.Be well!" Catherine
~ "My heart will never be the same because to of the Deckers. Anything I can do for them is all my pleasure." -Courtney
~"Since I learned about the Deckers, I think of them daily. Carol has been through something I can not even begin to imagine; physically, psychologically or emotionally. It is deeply inspiring to see her determination and strength to heal, be there for her children and to learn how to live her life in a new way." -Abby
~" I recently heard of Carol's story via a blog I frequently read. I have been deeply touched by this tragedy. At the same time I am in awe of Carol's strength to carry on and to make the most of her situation. Looking at the pictures of her with her beautiful girls warms my heart and gives me strength as a mother, seeing her courage. Sarah |
KOMO 4 News Story 09/09/08
-- Baby Safiya is 3 months old, but her mother has no idea what she looks like. In fact, Carol Decker hasn't been able to see Safiya since her daughter's birth. That's when Carol was rushed into surgery for an emergency Cesarean section. Her husband, Scott, wasn't sure she would be able to endure it. Fortunately Carol did survive, but immediately after the surgery she developed life-threatening hypotension from a septic pneumonia infection. Doctors administered medication, but it only made things worse. Carol's body reacted by blocking the blood flow to her legs, left arm and eyes. Doctors had no choice but to amputate both of her legs below the knee and her left arm. Carol was also left blind. In just three months, the family's life had been turned upside down. What was supposed to be the happy homecoming of their baby girl has unleashed so many challenges that the family can barely keep up. "Where did this come from? How did this happen?" said Scott's mother, Joanne Decker. Scott and Carol have been trying to adjust to Carol's new life as an amputee while keeping the rest of the family going. "You know, we've got two really young kids and it's not always easy," Scott said. "There are definitely tears and hard days. These have been the hardest days of my life, definitely."Their financial problems, meanwhile, have run away from them. Medical bills have already surpassed $2 million in just three months, and there's no telling what the future will bring. "What we don't have is she (Carol) is going to have inpatient rehab that our insurance doesn't cover," Scott said. "Her family has done some fundraisers raising a decent chunk of it.""Every step has been another hurdle for her to cross," said Heath Gier, Carol's brother. "We didn't expect her to lose her sight. That was a real tough one.""Carol has shed tears and done the kissy-face bit. To me, it would be just horrible not to be able to see my babies," said Joanne. ---Information on how to donate to the Decker family:http://sccsdecker.blogspot.com/2008/06/update-to-account-information.html
MSNBC --KNDU TV News Story 09/10/08
Carol Jean Vance, who's married name is now Decker, was like any other young mother and excited about having her second child.
Carol, her husband Scott, and 2-year-old daughter Chloe now live in Enumclaw. In June, Carol came down with what doctors thought was a mild case of the flu, but with early contractions and a moderate fever inspired her husband to take her back to the hospital.
What they discovered was far worse than. Carol had contracted Streptococcal Pneumonia Infection with all possible complications. All her major organs had been affected including her skin. Carol then fell into a syndrome called Disseminated Intra vascular Coagulation, or DIC, a life threatening condition that prevents a person's blood from clotting normally.
Jim Vance, Carol's father, is passionate about seeking medical help early on, if a person becomes ill. "Make an appointment with their doctor. . .insist on one more exam, one more procedure in order to never, never ever come down with this affliction"
Carol's illness resulted in her giving birth to daughter Safiya six weeks early. Because of the disease, both of Carol's legs had to be amputated from the knees down. Also her left hand had to be removed as well as her right hand ring finger. While she has lost her eyesight, doctors are optimistic that she will regain her sight eventually.
Carol's step mom Judy says when Carol returns home she'll have months of rehabilitation and lots of time to spend healing and getting used to her new prosthetics. "She is amazing so she will accomplish all that! Every day she shows us how strong she is and what she can accomplish from everything she's been through."
A Fundraising Golf Tournament is planned for Saturday September 13th at Columbia Point Golf Course beginning at 1:30pm.
Contact Columbia Point Golf Course at 509-946-0710 for further information. Carol and Scott Decker also have a blog at http://sccsdecker.blogspot.com
I had the pleasure of visiting Carol and her family for a number of days this past month and was once again astounded by her incredible strength and determination. While Carol continues to bravely withstand the many odds that are against her, indeed those moments of sadness and struggle occur. I am confident that if many of us who have known Carol for years, who know her now or simply follow her inspiring story through the blog world would contribute to this VoiceQuilt, Carol would be truly touched. Many of you have included in your auction emails words of love and encouragement to be passed onto Carol and others have posted their kind comments on blog posts and they have been appreciated. Keeping in mind, Carol's issues with vision this message can be listened to and enjoyed by Carol directly and will only take a few minutes of your time. Please help in our goal of gathering as many birthday wishes as we possibly can.
Contributing to the VoiceQuilt is easy!
To Record A Message:
- Call 1-877-687-7845
- When asked for your invitation number, enter 73213.
- Leave your message, just as if you were leaving a voicemail. When you are finished speaking, hang up or press # for more options.
Thank you each in advance for helping to create this very special gift!
1) Place your bid by leaving the Bid Amount in the comments section of the item you are bidding on.
*Please include your contact information with bid amount.
*Continue to check the comments to see the most recent High Bid.
*Please bid in increments of whole dollar amounts.
2) Following the close of the auction, I will contact the winner (make sure your comment bid includes an email address or another way to contact you).
*The winner will pay the amount of their winning bid to the Carol & Scott Decker PayPAL account using the Link on the right hand side of this blog listed "BUY NOW."
*The winner will then need to forward the PayPal receipt to ericathur4@yahoo.com and your item will be sent out.
All Auction Item Bidding will close at 9:00pm PST on Tuesday, June 16th. Any bids placed after 9:00pm will unfortunately be void.
Gift Certificate for Car Detailing- Seattle and Portland area Bidders

Convenience of TRUE-MOBILE Detailing -Where ever You are we will be too
World-Class Customer Service -We go the extra mile for You
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Market-Competitive Pricing -Quality Services with Value Pricing
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Angel Song Necklace

Vintage lace, jewels and pink tones accent any t-shirt,
scarf or turtle neck with this absolutely stunning necklace.
One of this seasons HOTTEST TRENDS- soon to be your favorite accessory for 2009! Seen on television and in magazines.
Please allow for slight variations in vintage jewels as those cannot be duplicated.
Graciously Donated by Miss Ruby Sue!
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Leaf Apron

Machine wash cold. Line dry or tumble dry low.
Graciously Donated by Elisabeth Bentz Textiles!
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2 GingerWinks Art Print


1~ F is for Flowers
2~ B is for Birds
Printed on 100% cotton rag Museum Etching paper with archival pigment inks. Paper has a slight texture to give the image a more vintage appeal.
Graciously Donated by Ginger Winks!
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Distilled Summer Scarf

Distilled San Francisco Summer Scarf in Tomato Gingham. Made in the season's trendiest cotton yarn dyes, The San Francisco Summer Scarf is washed for softness, wrinkled for visual texture and cut to just the right length for easy-wear convenience, it adds a smart splash of color, washes easy and like many of San Francisco's residents, it's cool with both girls and boys. And of course, best of all, it's made right in San Francisco. This Tomato Gingham version gives your look a bright and pretty pop!
Graciously Donated by Distilled!d Happy Bidding
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The industrial nature of JeanSkipper's work was most influenced by her Father and Grandfather. With a Dad as a steelworker, she was raised with an appreication for metals of all kinds and a grandfather as an avid collector of the discarded, he passed along the thrill of the hunt to.
Graciously Donated by Jean Skipper Originals!
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Krista Earrings

Graciously Donated by Blue Antiquities!
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Name Your Design Print

Graciously Donated by Name Your Design!
This item has closed. The winning bidder may click on the PayPal link below to pay directly to Carol & Scott. Please include the name of your item with payment and send confirmation of your payment directly to ericathur4@yahoo.com. THANK YOU!
All Natural Handmade Body Products
Gift Basket includes:
Lavender & Vanilla Body Wash~ All Natural body wash scented with Lavender & Vanilla essential oils.
Lavender Body Lotion~ All Natural body lotion infused Lavender essential oil and sweet almond oil.
Ginger Verbena Sugar Body Scrub~ Brown and raw sugars, grapeseed oil, infused with the warm, spicy scent of ginger & the fresh energizing aroma of lemon & grapefruit-this scrub will leave your skin hydrated, replenished and renewed.
Bodhi Tree Salt Scrub~ Perfect for softening those summer feet…this salt scrub combines pink Himalayan sea salts, fig oil and sweet almond oil
Body Loofah & Washcloth
Retail Value of $60+
Graciously Donated by Bella Luna!
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Pink Lady

The flat pair briolette dangles off of a sterling silver ear wire. They will dangle from your ear at a little over 1-½ inches. All of my earrings made with ear wires come with rubber backs so that you won’t lose them when you are wearing them.
Graciously Donated by LyLey!
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1 Year of Unlimited Tanning

Graciously Donated by Desert Sun Tanning Salon!
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$25 Punky Jane Gift CERTIFICATE

Graciously Donated by Punky Jane!
This item has closed. The winning bidder may click on the PayPal link below to pay directly to Carol & Scott. Please include the name of your item with payment and send confirmation of your payment directly to ericathur4@yahoo.com. THANK YOU!
Anthropology Necklace

Honest. Soulful. Individualistic.
Eco-friendly alternative neck art lives the green message.
Will not be duplicated.
Tulle has another useful place in your life. All my clients know I dig tulle. Don't You?
Undeniably Fabulous Woman's Fabric Necklace.
Graciously Donated by Miss Ruby Sue!
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Vicky Earrings

Graciously Donated by Blue Antiquities!
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Chloe Bracelet

* 16 pretty colored genuine turquoise gemstone beads.
* Beautiful white shell leaf bead.
* Sterling silver beads and closure.
Graciously Donated by Blue Antiquities!
This item has closed. The winning bidder may click on the PayPal link below to pay directly to Carol & Scott. Please include the name of your item with payment and send confirmation of your payment directly to ericathur4@yahoo.com. THANK YOU!
THE Hott Seat

The Hott Seat is a custom airbrushed piece by artist, Nick of UnAmore Starting with a metal folding chair, automotive paint is applied in the renowned technique called True Fire. Gorgeous pink and purple tones are set afire with the inscription the "Hott Seat" written atop. A one of a kind show piece, conversation starter and destined to become the coveted space to rest your derriere. Each piece is custom made and airbrushed individually and so variations should be expected and relished. This sold for $500 recently.
Graciously Donated by Un Amore!
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Rosie Toesie Shoe Clips

So Marie Antoinette with a trendy twist!
Flirty and flounchy these shoe clips make for great conversation....
No need to buy new shoes- just clip on the front or back of your heels for a comfortable and secure grip - don't forget nude fishnets to add a little sexiness to complete your look! Or add to bobby-pins for an amazing pop as a hair accessory! Color combinations are limit-less and you can pick!
Graciously Donated by Miss Ruby Sue!
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Moonlight Earrings

Graciously Donated by Silver Lining Studio!
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"Kiss" Bracelet

Graciously Donated by Lella Rae Designs!
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Felted, Upcycled Messenger Bag

Here is a lovely burnt orange bag made from a 100% merino wool sweater that I felted then stitched into a mini messenger style bag. It has a coordinating lining throughout that continues along the back of the shoulder strap. The fold-over flap fastens with a vintage brown button. All seams have been triple-stitched for extra durability. The bag is roughly 15 inches wide by 8.5 inches long with the shoulder strap having a 12 inch drop.
Graciously Donated by Wendy!
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Nature Earrings

Graciously Donated
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Darling Accessory Cap
This darling, ivory colored knit cap features a brown ribbon and three different flowers that can be snapped into place. Adorn your little girl's head with this versatile accessory piece. One pink flower, one soft blue flower and one multi-colored. Gives you a variety of options with this trendy look. This hat is stretchy and will fit from 5 years to teen.
Graciously Donated by Lemon Bark!
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All you need is LOVE

The Beatles said it best, "All You Need is Love!"
This original mixed-media piece is 100% handmade - not computer generated. The collage element uses paper imported from Italy and features gold metallic scrolling throughout the floral design. Watercolors and ink are used for the other type details. The piece includes an off-white acid free mat, and a standard backing board.
Graciously Donated by Serendipity Factory!
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Verde Necklace

Graciously Donated
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Shine Necklace

Iridescent stones, golden beads and fossilized shells were used to create this lovely one of a kind necklace. Sparkle and shines in its incandescent feel. 22" long and finished with a lovely gold clasp.
Graciously Donated
This item has closed. The winning bidder may click on the PayPal link below to pay directly to Carol & Scott. Please include the name of your item with payment and send confirmation of your payment directly to ericathur4@yahoo.com. THANK YOU!